Monday, November 22, 2010

Groovy and Grails for prototyping

There is much debate about dynamic typing vs. static typing. There is much debate about new languages (Ruby/Groovy/Erlang/Scala) vs. old and generic languages (Java, C++).
Some people hold very strong opinions on these subjects while others are more open to different approaches.

Surprisingly, I found relatively little disagreement on the usefulness of dynamic languages such as Ruby or Groovy for prototyping. Ease of use and speed of development are the most important benefits of these languages. Their potential weaknesses such as performance and maintainability of the code are not that important in prototypes. (more on these potential weaknesses below).

These rapid development tools are perfect for flashing out the vision and model of the product without spending too much time on the underlying technological “plumbing”. Business people are impressed to see a mocked prototype of the product in few days after the initial discussion. Only by seeing it they can come up with a useful feedback and refine the product in their minds. Implementing these changes is as easy as doing the initial prototyping. This rapid feedback and adjustment loop is not only agile but also very cost-efficient because only minimal amount of effort and time is spent.

Grails really shines in creation of domain models because often a model can be described through a set of CRUD screens and their relationships. This representation is a lot friendlier than dry and “tech-y” entity diagrams. It is much more understandable to business folks.

As for possible problems that arise when developing with Groovy and Grails – I believe they can be solved and the cost of solving them is far outweighed by benefits of speed and agility. But I am not trying to sell or pitch yet another technology. I believe that it is extremely well suited for certain types of applications while it’s probably not the best choice for others. Like anything else – this is just another tool in your professional toolbox.

Of course, it all applies not only to Grails but also to Ruby/Rails, Python/Django and other dynamic languages.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

SQL now, NoSQL later

This post is about trade-offs of choosing a NoSQL database vs. a traditional relational database specifically in the context of a new business or a start-up.

In the recent years there is more and more interest in NoSQL databases. One of the main motivations for using such databases is their ability to provide massive scale needed in large applications. Naturally biggest internet sites such as Facebook, Linked-in and the like are heavily using and even developing NoSQL solutions.

As with everything else in life there are always trade-offs. A famous triangle helps to visualize main competing forces when implementing a distributed system. People going for NoSQL solution are usually aware of the trade-offs and adjust their systems accordingly.

Less often mentioned is the lack of NoSQL tooling that has been developed for more traditional relational databases. Such tools include IDE support, code libraries, ORMs, entire CRUD generators and the reporting solutions. These tools significantly expedite development of new software. Just think of Rails' Active Record or Java's Hibernate.

This bring us to the main point: a new, possibly start-up company, is usually more concerned with getting the product out of the door as soon as possible and validating the business model than preparing for “inevitable” Facebook-like success.
Many successful companies tell the same story about iterating between various ideas and models before finally hitting a successful one. In such rapid iteration and evaluation - tools are crucial in providing the necessary productivity and speed. Using ready-made tools for relational databases, ideas can be prototyped, deployed and evaluated much faster than with custom made solutions.

Developers from Facebook and Linked-in emphasize that their initial solutions were the simplest ones possible. Linked-in used to run a relational DB for most of its data. Facebook used to host photos as separate files on a simple NFS. Only when they became successful they invested in scalable NoSQL solutions.

It is not an unreasonable approach therefore to start with the simplest relational DB (mysql?) and rapidly create a working product that can validate the business model. If the model is right, it will generate enough interest and money to evolve the solution with more scalable NoSQL DBs. If the idea is not successful, however, a lot less resources were spend on it and more resources and time can be spent on trying the next idea.

Main objection to this approach is that it requires throwing away a solution and re-creating it with NoSQL. While it’s true to some extent, it is not necessary to throw away all the code. In addition to that, usually after first release, there is enough new knowledge about the system and the business that a significant part of the code will change anyways.

In conclusion: while NoSQL solutions provide huge benefits for massively scalable applications, developing with NoSQL might not be the best option when trying a new business idea. Relational databases provide easier and faster route for experimentation and evolution of a business model.